This is an episode where ex-colleagues, who are also close friends discuss openly their path to tech, preparing for FAANG or any other Tech interviews and early-stage career transitions. There are many insights that are shared based on recent experiences which will be of help to many people pursuing the same path


In this episode of B Be Open and Authentic with Rohit, the guest is a Google employee named Shah who has been with the company for over 5.5 years. Shah talks about his journey into Google, noting that the company was his first job after graduating from the University of Michigan with a master's degree in CS. He shares some insights about Google's hiring process which he describes as slow, mentioning that a successful tech interview does not guarantee a job offer as it is followed by a matching phase. He finally got an internship offer in April, later than most, with a team in Wisconsin Madison. Shah describes his internship experience which involved working in a cloud team on a file systems project. He shares a fun fact that Google offices only get a cafe with a chef if they house more than 150 people. After his internship, two conversion interviews followed, then a long waiting period for


Hola. Bienvenido a otro episodio de B Be Open and Authentic con Rohit. Hoy tenemos a un empleado de Google en casa. Estoy emocionado por la conversación y siempre he tenido curiosidad por aprender más sobre Google, su cultura y la emoción de trabajar en proyectos tan impactantes. Creo que hoy es mi oportunidad de aprender más. Y también quiero descodificar la cultura y el proceso de contratación de Google para que muchas personas puedan aprender de él y utilizarlo en su propio lugar de trabajo o en su búsqueda de empleo en Google. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo para hablar conmigo hoy. Estoy emocionado y expectante. Gracias. Emocionado de estar aquí también. Gracias. ¿Puedes empezar con una pequeña introducción sobre ti mismo y tal




పండగ ఎపిసోడ్ యొక్క 'బి ఓపెన్ అండ్ అధెంటెక్'లో హోస్ట్ రోహిత్ గూగుల్‌లో పని చేసేవారితో మాట్లాడాడు. అతను గూగు